Mary Beale School of Needlework
Lesson 9
(The needlework chart for this lesson corresponds with Lesson 13 of the School)
Beautiful Eggs
While most people associate decorated eggs with Easter, I like to associate them with spring in general. When we lived in Germany during the late 70’s, I loved all the forsythia branches (that had not quite budded) covered with decorated (real) eggs. I figured after Easter they would be put away. To my surprise and great happiness, they remained up all during the spring season. While for us this has been an unusually cool spring, it IS spring! The robins are building their nests and green is becoming a predominate color.
The lesson this week is about the birds of paradise. If you ever have a chance to see a documentary on these birds, you will be amazed. Perhaps my lesson will inspire you to look for more about these unusual birds. Although the lesson is on these special birds, I decided to go the egg route for the activity sheet. You could bring in some branches from your lawn. Put them in a vase and color these “eggs” to decorate it. You could also string them up like a banner side by side. On one of the eggs I have left a place for a signature. I hope this will be a fun project.